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The must knows of Architectural patterns (12/10/2020)

When thinking about going into the job market for a computer scientist there is a common theme. This includes big enterprises needing systems or designed to be produced in order to benefit you and their operations. Although before even starting this we need to understand Software architecture. An architectural pattern, in general, is considered to be a reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. within the Architectural pattern, we tend to see a total of 10 different patterns that make up the basic framework. One of these simple frameworks is a layered pattern. this pattern can be used to structure programs that will be decomposed into groups of sub-categories. with this particular pattern, we see it being used in desktop applications and E-commerce web applications. the second pattern we see is a client-server pattern which is made up of a server and multiple clients. This will allow server components which will allow assisting multiple clients among a broad range of devices. 

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